
Every little helps...

Yes, I did just use Tesco's slogan as the title of this post. No, I don't know why either. In light of yesterday's horrendously miserable mood, and feeling like all I wanted to do was hop on the next plane to England, I've decided that I ought to post something a little more positive.

So, I was going to make a list of things that never fail to cheer me up, but that maybe would have been a little boring, but then half way through doing this, I realised I had in fact started making a list, whoops.

Cliche, I know, but here a few I've got on repeat right now.

If you know me well enough, you'll know I'm one of those boring people who like to exercise almost religiously. After a week off thanks to travel and being a bit lazy, my body was in desperate need of endorphins. A brisk half hour in and around Парк Победы seems to have done the trick though.

Being a nerd
I'd be lying if I didn't say that I did more than just my homework tonight. However, I still feel like my Russian's pretty terrible and not back up to full speed. A few translations later, and I feel a little better/more capable. I'm also making sure I do a good amount of reading, as like running, I think it's a decent form of escapism.

I think that's enough positivity from me for now.

1 comment:

  1. I am so impressed with the way you are being positively positive! The bravest thing I ever did on my own at your age was to move to Leicester! The world was a smaller place then though!Hx
