
Boney M, a trip to the Poliklinik, and student accommodation.

I arrived in Odessa yesterday afternoon after a very sleepy bus journey, on probably the best coach I've ever been on. Getting to the bus station proved difficult, as all of the taxi drivers refused to take me, saying it was too close to the hotel, so I had to go on the metro with my 25kg suitcase. Luckily, Ukraine is better than  Russia as the metro stations have lifts, and if I had to use any stairs there always seemed to be someone around who was prepared to carry my suitcase for me, WIN!

When I got off the bus in Odessa Irina was there waiting for me, and led me to some man's car. When I was in Petrozavodsk, my friends and I found it hilarious how Boney M always seemed to be playing, and low and behold, as I sat down in the car Rasputin came on. It was quite difficult to hold in the laughter. 

After a 20 minute drive, I got to my accommodation. It just looks like a typical Eastern European block of flats from the outside - nothing special. Nor is it anything special inside. I'm sharing a room with a girl from Italy, Sara, who seems nice. In our room we have two beds, a desk, a wardrobe and a bedside table each. There is a kitchen on our floor, which is pretty crap - basically a hob and a sink, so I'll probably be living off porridge. One bonus is that nobody lives in the room next door, meaning we have a bathroom between just the two of us.

As today is my first full day here I've had to do lots of boring admin tasks like paying for accommodation, and registering at the language school. I also had to go and get my lungs checked, which was, to say the very least, an experience. Irina took me to the poliklinik, and lead me to a room in which sat two ladies reading newspapers, and a very old looking machine. I was forced to undress from the waist up and stand in this machine. The lady then came up to me and said 'когда двери закрыты, не душите'/'when the doors are closed, don't breathe'. I did as she said, and that was that. I'll get my results tomorrow.

The centre of Odessa is very pretty, and has quite a European feel to it. Much like in Kiev, there is a lot of Ukrainian around, but I've only heard people speak in Russian. I know that рок means year, and that the months of the year have really odd names, but that's it so far.

I'm currently using mobile internet, and I don't have much memory until I go and buy some more, but when I do I'll upload some pictures :)

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